Sonia's Out, Anne is In


Sonia Baghdady, 5/5:30/11 pm  anchor at WTNH, has announced on her Facebook page that she is leaving News8 after 11 years. We’re told that since her last drawn-out contract negotiations things had not been sunny on Elm Street in New Haven.  Baghdady’s off-air photography sessions may not have irked management but indicated that she clearly didn’t mind being known for something other than her journalistic credibility. All signs lead to morning anchor Anne Craig taking over some of Baghdady’s newscasts.

Just want to let you all know tonight’s 5pm newscast was my last one at News 8. I’m excited to say I’ve decided it’s time to move on and pursue other interests and passions. I want to thank all of you who have supported me over the past 11 years at WTNH. That support has meant the world to me. I’m looking forward to where my path leads me next.
xo Sonia

From the WTNH website:

Thank you and farewell Sonia Baghdady! Sonia is leaving News 8 to pursue other interests and passions. While we are sad to see Sonia go, we are happy she’s able to pursue her dreams. Sonia has been a wonderful friend and colleague to us here at WTNH over the years as well as a trusted broadcast professional delivering the news and having your back for more than a decade. From all of us here, we wish you only the best Sonia, you will always be a part of the News 8 Family!


  1. Oh, so true. I don’t know Baghdady personally, of course, but my impression of her has always been that she’s far more into striking an erotic presence with viewers than with being taken as a serious news reporter. I wish they’d put Ann Nyberg back on the evenings where she belongs. She is lovely and authoritative without the self-absorption.

  2. There was absolutely nothing wrong with Sonia as an anchor. All because a woman is beautiful the T&A comments have to start. She has had a nice sideline gig going on directing photo shoots for Guess Watches for some time and has gotten recognition for it. I hope they don’t give any other newscasts to Nyberg because she is too obnoxious whining all the time about the cold weather.

  3. Katy, you misunderstood my point. If women want to be taken seriously as presenters of news, and want to be taken seriously as journalists, they ought not be out there publishing, online, their “glam” photos in seductive poses in low-cut dresses and swimsuits, as Baghdady has indeed done. You make a choice not to do that, quite simply. Same applied to male news people; men in TV news just happen not to “sex” or “tart” themselves up with such online photoshoots. No, as an anchor, you are right, there was nothing wrong with her. But the “T&A,” as you say? It is she who cultivated that image; not me. Bring back the much classier and traditional Ann Nyberg!

  4. That’s too bad. Sonia was terrific. She was the reason I watched channel 8. I thought she looked great in her photos. If her pictures meant she didn’t mind being known for something other then her journalistic credibility, I think a lot of reporters and journalist have a problem. As far as Ann Nyberg is concerned. It was obvious they never got along. After all Sonia took her timeslot. Ann also tried to imitate Sonia by taking her own photos. She posed in a diner looking more like a cocktail waitress among other things. She left some pictures up, but took a lot of them off her website because they were so unprofessional. She also has a bunch of side projects. So maybe she should focus more on her journalistic credibility, rather then promoting her store constantly. Even on her public Facebook page she has her stores website right in the cover photo. — Good luck to Sonia at whatever she does.

  5. wtnh need to solve the problem why there over the air tv signal cant reach the hartford area without having a cable tv. we get wggb signal fine and there tv stick is farther away from my house than wtnh. oh my the way i bet she asked for more money and they gave her the boot, its wtnh way of thinning the herd

  6. No, there’s certainly nothing “too bad” for me, personally; I’m quite fine, thanks. Sara, you are one of a small minority of CT viewers (who even bother to watch the insipid content of local news) who watch Ch. 8, anyway. As opposed to 8, 10 years ago and beyond, there is currently NO one at that station who is “the reason to watch channel 8” for me. Maybe Mark Davis; but for pure, serious journalism, don’t even mention Mark and Sonia in the same breath.

    Sonia was fine as an anchor, not a standout, not irreplaceable, but lately she seems to have other, more suitable endeavors in fashion, beauty and modeling, and fashion marketing, from what little I can make out of her online stuff. I wish her well with that, too. Heck, I wish *everyone* well! Still…there’s a reason she’s not being renewed by 8.

    News people are generally not permitted to be hucksters for outside commercial interests (weather people, who have no editorial credibility to uphold, being the exception).

    Journalists (in TV and print) are held to a standard, Sara; either they are journalists, or they are Hollywood celebrities.

  7. Jake’suncle Nailed it:

    “I wish they’d put Ann Nyberg back on the evenings where she belongs. She is lovely and authoritative without the self-absorption.”

    Nyberg never does the sigh, or half-second blank stare into the camera so as to editorialize what should be a straight news story. As a result no one can figure out where she is politically; which is the true sign of a professional journalist.

    Listening to Ann Nyberg is akin to listening to a lady at church, or a lodge brother’s wife, telling you something during the coffee hour; there’s no reason to think there’s any sort of hidden second agenda or that every word isn’t the truth as she knows it.

  8. It’s all good, Jake’sUncle. I didn’t see where it was posted that she wasn’t being renewed by 8? I know there was a contract negotiation last year, but didn’t think it was time yet for a new one.

    I agree that there seemed to be very little love between Sonia and Nyberg. It amuses me that Nyberg had any issues since she did the exact same thing to Diane Smith back when she was younger. What I would like to know is what’s up with her all of a sudden being part of the Sportscaster team. On Friday nights pre football she joined the guys in their little roundtable discussion and it was clear she didn’t belong there.

    Anne Craig mentioned she was 40 when she finally got pregnant and someone mentioned to me that on Sonia’s wikipedia page it stated Sonia is 38.

  9. What is being missed here is the fact that there has been a mass exodus at News 8. Personnel change has been rampant more than any other television station in the market. They’ve lost veteran reporters, anchors, producers, and photographers – and yet management thinks that “on your side” or “we’ve got your back” or whatever ridiculous platform they choose will make a difference in ratings. Cover real news guys – cherish talented people – and maybe you’ll win people back.

  10. There does seem to be a revolving door at 8, but a lot of the talent has gone on to other opportunities other than reporting. Some have gone into public relations. I had talked to one reporter as she was leaving, we have a mutual friend, and she had said she didn’t feel comfortable reporting any longer citing the Petit family tragedy and then last year with Newtown. I can’t say I blame some of them because it does seem like the world is getting a lot harsher than it used to be.

    There was a comment that Al Carl was getting rid of talent because he wants younger people, but if this is true I have a question. Why are Keith Koontz and Ann Nyberg still there? They are the oldest of all of the reporters, yet they are golden? There has to be more to it than what is being said, imo.

  11. Channel 8 is going down the drain,
    I like Sonia and Anne . They have only 3 weather people now and many reporters have left . I am sure it all starts
    at the top . What happened to Don Lark? I thought he was coming back too .

  12. Sonia is making a good move at the peak of her career and it’s the perfect time to take a risk than ride out a dieing market. The branding she created is the only way to survI’ve in local news if your talent and the kind fox ct could eat up with their product placements. There’s national and new media ventures awaiting her. I can’t wait to see what she’s got under her sleeve!

  13. It’s channel 8 news. I watch N.Y. news alot and I find the level of professionalism is very high – a different class of news people altogether: the professionalism, their attire, their maturity and how they hold themselves. Honestly, I just want the news, I am not interested in newspeople as celebrities nor am I interested in their personal lives. Just the news please!

  14. Al Carl should never have been made news director. He has no large market or national experience. That’s why there are no bold ideas. He just follows the consultants direction an takes orders from the gm. The guy is from a backwater and unsophisticated. How can the news department be different? By the way, Keith is golden. for now. Lol

  15. Hate to say it, but said “d-cups” and that “come hither” look are on bold display above. Doesn’t she just whisper, “hey, Big Guy, come awn ovah, I gotta biiig news story just fa youuuuu..”
    Again, of course, I do wish her well. It’s a funny, funny world these days. 🙂

  16. Anonymous, what are you hinting at? Your name is protected so why not just come out and say it?!
    I find it surprising that they still haven’t taken Sonia’s picture off their website. That must be killing Ms. Nyberg.

  17. Does anyone else see the irony of how The Laurel is trying to cast Baghdady in a negative light by questioning her journalism skills, yet this article is anything but journalism. It’s completely one-sided, trying desperately to portray Baghdady disparagingly- most likely because its author is an unattractive, former local news person whose resentment has gotten the best of her. I happen to work in CT news, as I’m sure most everyone who’s either read or commented on this article does, because truthfully, who else would even care? The Laurel is a forum for bitter local news people to vent and bash others. From what I’ve heard Baghdady had offers from every other news station in the state, which is why the news director advertised her job– to strong-arm her into signing a new contract before she signed with someone else. Those contract negotiations sound quite sunny to me, if you’re Baghdady. And anyone who knows the real Ann Nyberg knows she’s anything but “classy” and “lovely”. She’s not well liked or well respected at the station- and from a “journalism” standpoint, she’s a complete joke. The only thing she has is name recognition and her “friendship” with Noah Finz.

  18. Thank you, Anonymous! I have been saying the same thing about this website for years. If an article isn’t about someone from WFSB, the person being talked about is always talked about with a negative spin. I completely agree about Ms. Nyberg as well. She puts on a good act on camera, but has always been insecure about anyone younger than herself, and Sonia outclassed her on air and off. Whenever Sonia Baghdady or any other woman from News 8 has been talked about here there has always been the hint they are only in their position for the T & A value and that’s bull.

  19. Yes, you are correct. I was text the pic the day after she quit. I was in shock that someone of her stature would allow herself to be put in that position. I’ve heard all kinds of rumors but have no way of knowing what is true and what is bull or what really happened. I didn’t want to mention the picture in my 1st post cause it looked as if no one from this site was aware of it. Now that it is out in the open, Sonia, what were you thinking?? Come on, your way to classy a lady for this.

  20. Some nut must have come up with the idea of same anchors at five and eleven. When are they supposed to do more than read the news?
    We sure do not look forward to Baba Wawa in New Haven, A.N., please retire. Sonia was just perfect. I spent too many years working in Chicago area at the break of the millennium. I remember a classy looking young anchor, Cheryl Burton, sort of like Sonia. I was in Crown Point, IN around the time Sonia left and noticed Cheryl was still at the ABC affiliate. Perhaps Cheryl’s agent could market Sonia in a great market, CNN would be nice.

  21. Yeah I saw that pic too.Its not her. The nose is all wrong and I cant believe she would be that dumb to let anyone take a pic like that. Not unless it had 6 figures behind it. She may not be the brightest bulb on the tree but I give her more credit than Desiree Fountaine! remember her?